Saturday, November 03, 2007


So yesterday I learned something new.
Redheads are going to be extinct by 2060.
Since red hair is the recessive gene and in order to produce more redheads both parents have to have the trait.
And (I kid you not) because so many people are migrating here from Asia and dark haired countries, the chances of two red hair gene carrying people to have a baby is very slim..
And apparently the color green tames redheads and their temper.
And our hair doesn't turn gray. Our hair turns sandy, then white. Kinda cool.
Redhaired slaves were sold for a higher price in Rome.
We are more susceptable to pain.
Redheads are only 2% of the population in the US.
Red hair is a genetic mutation
It takes more anesthetic to sedate us.
Redheads have the least amount of hair on their heads.
