Thursday, December 25, 2008

Lights Out

I remember when I was little, and the excited that would spread throughout the neighborhood during a blackout. The three family’s on our end of the block with kids would play hide and seek – where home base was the big palm tree between Brandon’s house and Mr. Ray and Miss Barabara’s house. Count to 60 then find everyone else. We’d played hide and seek a lot, but for some reason, I have this vivid memory of a black out time. And how excited we all were. I remember moving the PlaySkool toy in Matt and Becca’s backyard closer to the fence next to Brandon and Kevin’s house, so that we could jump the fence. Then opening the gate and booking it down the street.

I enjoy blackouts. The last time we had a good black out, it was at night and we were all home. It was so cool. Because it actually let our family had time to hang out together. No TV. No computers. No phone calls. No lights. We busted out the camping lights and did puzzles. I think family’s these days would be a lot happier if we had a weekly evening blackout. Force the family to be together. It’d be good for everyone.