Saturday, March 08, 2008


I was so appalled today in my Sociology class.
It was.. so... disturbing.

The topic was sexuality, and we went through tons of different things. Homosexuals, tran-sexuals, rape, prostitution, affairs, abortion, teen sex, pre-marital sex. It was actually pretty interesting. And disturbing.

Did you know China let's you rent hotel rooms by the hour? For 12 bucks, you can rent a room for 3 hours. In 1989, 15% of Chinese had sex before marriage, in 2007, it was up to 60-70%. High school girls are making up 80% of the patients at abortion clinics (at one of the clinics, an abortion is $140, but if you decide not to use anesthesia, it's only $55..). The adults don't approve of premarital sex, so they aren't teaching about it to the level that is actively being.. lived.

You know what's sad? That's not what disturbed me.

Our professor asked us "What did your parents teach you about sex?" and "What will you teach your kids?". I wrote down the answers because of how shocked I was.

What did your parents teach you?
-Don't be a fool, wrap your tool
-Love should be a key, but it's okay if it's not. Just be ready to deal with the consequences.

What will you teach your kids?
-I'll leave it to the schools to teach my kids
-Safe sex
-Premarital sex isn't bad
-Extramarital sex isn't cheating

Whoa whoa whoa. Excuse me? Notice how NO WHERE on those lists does it say "Don't have sex" or "abstinence"... The class laughed when the teacher said "What do you think about people saying that you having sex with someone now can be seen as having sex with someone's future spouse, so in essence, it's cheating"..

I was just, flabbergasted. The kids in my group were like "How can you marry someone if you don't know how the sex is going to be? I couldn't do that"... And they looked at me like I was speaking Greek when I said "well, if no one has sex before marriage, then you have nothing to compare it to, so you can't say if it's bad or not"... It was just. So amazing. No one in that class was told not to have sex before marriage. And they thought it was insane to ever suggest it.

Is that seriously what the world has come to? The idea of abstinence is really that far fetched? I'm so... So disappointing in the world.

Holy. Crap.