Saturday, November 28, 2009


So I'm in the midst of housesitting right now. And I'm in Rancho Santa Margarita. It's far away from everyone. But.. It's kind of okay. It's far enough that I get time to be alone, but close enough that people will make the trek out here. And Irvine is halfway inbetween. Like, I'm a socialable person, most people can attest to that. But sometimes, it's nice to be away. It's like I'm on vacation, even though I have to go to work and school. I don't mind it.

Although all week long, all I've wanted was my journal. I meant to grab it from home when I went for Thanksgiving, and I totally forgot. I've had some weird feelings and thoughts lately. Not weird. More like.. I don't know. I miss my daily personal journal. I can tell you what was going on almost every day my Senior year. And I wish I could reread what's gone on everyday of this past year. I wish I could go through and read about how much I've grown. How my spiritual walk has changed dramatically in a great way. How my thoughts towards certain people have changed. How my motivations have changed. How the people that used to make me laugh now make me roll my eyes. Just little things like that. I have to think about it, and I know some of the things are foggy. Hah. Makes me wish I was a vampire. Not like in a weird way.. But cuz they have impeccable memories. They can remember everything that's happened (since becoming a vampire).. And I wish I could do that.

I'm so thankful for my friends these days. And for my family.

I'm going to the Philippines for two weeks in a little over a month. I am so beyond excited. I'm so grateful for a job that will let me have the time off.

God is faithful. All the time.