Friday, April 27, 2007

She Said Yes

I pulled out my "She Said Yes" book. Cassie Bernall was such an awesome chick. I've read that book so many times. Some of the pages are LITERALLY, PHYSICALLY falling out. Like, you know how most books if you open them and put them on a table, one hand has to hold it down so it doesn't flop closed? Ya, my book lies flat on the table. Lol. I have like, notes written in there and highlighted passages. She was just crazy. She wasn't perfect by any means, I mean, the beginning of her life, actually up until about 2 years before she was killed... She was just with the wrong crowd. And I love that I can actually picture the important part of the book - when she accepts Christ - cuz it happened at Estes. I was like "Hey! I've been there!" And I could totally picture it. Two of my favorite quotes from the book, that don't even have to do with Cassie, they were from letters that her and her friend from church were writing to each other.. "If you don't start living for other people, you end up being consumed with yourself. Once you start giving, though, your emotional needs will eventually take care of themselves." and then other one, which I agree with and wish some people would understand, cuz it describes my friendships with certain people that not everyone agrees with.... "Teens just want to be real, and they want to be with people who are real - people who are themselves and don't care what others think". It's a good book. She Said Yes, by Misty Bernall.

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