Monday, January 25, 2010

This is their heaven..

Saddest thing I've read in awhile.

I've blogged about it before, so it's no secret that I love to journal. And I found a bunch of old ones a little bit ago. I didn't realize that I'd actually journaled during my soph/junior year a bit. In a handful of random little notebooks.

Anyways, I found them. And I had tons of notes from different Bible Studies and camps and such, and I came across one quote that just hit me.

For a non-Christian, this is their heaven.

That was such a... Holy. Crap. Because it's so true!

Which, I can understand some people might say "eh, that's not so bad. Life's been pretty good here". But I'm sorry... Hell is... Hell is Hell. Think of the worst possible situation that you've ever been through during your life - a mom dying, a boyfriend breaking up with you, getting in a car accident and being paralyzed, killing someone. The feelings and emotions experienced during those things is nothing - NOTHING - compared to what Hell's going to be like. And those horrible situations.. That's a part of what your Heaven is. I love the fact that this life I'm living here on earth.. This is my Hell. This is the worst my existence will ever be. And I know it's hard for a non-Christian to get it, and to grasp what is so horrible about Hell, and so amazing about Heaven. Like, I know that the happiest I've ever been in my life here on Earth, is going to be non-existent and so far from my mind when I get to Heaven. And for someone whose eternity is going to be in Hell... When you are in Hell, you will be begging, pleading, CRAVING the horrible feelings that you felt when you had your heart broken, when you lost feeling in your legs, when you went to that funeral. Those feelings would be WELCOMED and basically a party compared to Hell.

Oh I am so thankful for my God.

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