Thursday, December 21, 2006

Dan had an interesting topic the other night. And I keep thinking about it.

Why do I believe what I believe?

It's harder to explain than I thought. I mean, I know what I believe, and I know it's my faith, not my parents. It's just an interesting question. Why do I believe?

I like to think "Why not?" believe. There's no doubt in my mind about God. Why should I abandon something I believe in and know to be Truth? My new phrase about my faith is that my faith is a flawless faith. There's nothing wrong with it. It's a very plain and simple, black and white belief. I don't have to do good deeds so that they outweigh my my bad things. I can talk directly to Him, all the time, not go through His mother. I can pray however and whenever I want, not 5 times a day facing a specific direction. I don't have to go to a religious school and learn another language. I know for sure I'm going to Heaven. I have to believe in Jesus Christ and I'll be saved. That's it. And from that belief, it turned into a love and desire to learn more about God and what He did for me.

How do people go through life not knowing where their going? Are people really okay with living life with no purpose? Living their lives for themselves? Doing day to day activities, just to do them, not knowing what will happen when they die?

How do people celebrate Christmas without knowing about Jesus and His birth? People celebrating Christmas without knowing Him is like some stranger celebrating my birthday, without even knowing who I am. I'd be insulted. If I were Jesus, I'd probably be ticked off. If you don't believe in Jesus and His incredible story, then why don't you just celebrate Christmas in like, March? It's just a day for you to give presents to each other, right? I think if you're gonna celebrate it without knowing the reasons... Just do it on a different day instead of His birthday....

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