Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I don't exactly know what the plan is..

But God knows, and I'm so glad that THAT is more than enough for me!

In my post about Islam down below, I mentioned that there are three people that God has placed in my life recently that I have the honor of having some conversations with that God is the focal point. I also mentioned that of the three, there's one that I don't have as many conversations with.

Leave it to God to knock me off my socks!

Today, he asked me what church I go to. He said that his wife is wanting to get involved in a church, and that he's seen how "into" the God stuff I am, and that he thinks my church could be an option! 

I think my smile was about to fall off my face!

Of course, I went off on a tangent about how amazing my church is and how the teaching is so God centered and theologically sound and how awesome our women's ministry is.. Thankfully, I didn't freak him out and he asked where my church is at. So I told him I'd send him an email with our information in it!

And then he mentioned how he's seen how kids are when they grow up in a Christian family versus a non-Christian family, and that when him and his wife have kids, they definitely want them to turn out like the former. 

I've always been against "evangelical dating" (dating a non-Christian in the hopes of converting them).. But evangelical-munchkin-upbringing? I can't help but think that God uses kids to bring parents to Christ. It may not be the conventional way, but I know many, many families that have had the same mindset (wanting to raise their kids in a religious environment), and that over the course of AWANA and VBS, the parents get involved and then they end up coming for themselves and for honoring God, instead of just raising "good kids".

Anyways, I sent him an email with our church address and website on it... We'll see what happens! I have no doubt in my mind that this is all a part of God moving in his heart - even if it's starting with moving in his wife's heart!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

Posted via email from redheadedblonde's posterous

1 comment:

Created For His Glory said...

Thanks for the super sweet and meaningful comment on my blog! I LOVE that!!!!

Love in Him,