Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Defintion #7 on (the first definition related to this type of stress) is "a specific response by the body to a stimulus, as fear or pain, that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium of an organism".

I don't stress.

Okay, that's not entirely accurate.

Nine times out of ten.. I don't realize that I'm stressing.

However, my body knows.

Two things physically happen to me when I'm stressed: white hair and spots.

The white hair cracks me up. And yes, it's not gray hair - red heads do not get gray hair, we get white hair. I walked into the bathroom at work the other day and looked at the mirror, and from about 6 feet away, I spotted the hair. So I spent a few minutes trying to find it and pull it out.

I pulled out this hair, and looked at it. The top 4 inches were white, then it was red for about 5 inches, then another 2 inches of white, and then the rest gray. Since I found one, I figured I must have more... So I flipped and flopped my hair every which way, and found another one. I pulled it out, and lined it up to the other hair. It matched!

My conclusion is that certain hair turns white while I'm stressed, then back to normal, and then white again when I'm stressed.

This isn't scientific reason, but it is Kelsey reason :)

The other thing that happens is that I get spots.

They resemble chicken pox, but they aren't. 1) I've had the chicken pox already. 2) They don't itch.

I actually don't even notice them until I look in the mirror and spot (hah! spot..) them on my stomach. Then I'll look and see them on my back, too.

Sometimes there will be 3 of them, and sometimes there will be 30. I guess it depends on how stressed I am?

I put the "spots" in connection with stress back when I was in high school and I was dealing with the almost pregnancy of a friend. And there's been a handful of times since then that I've gotten them.

And it's funny, because honestly, if you were to ask me what I'm stressed about... I have absolutely no idea! I just don't stress. I handle things pretty well - at least I like to think I do. I don't stress over homework, essays, or tests. I don't stress over bills, money, and car problems. I acknowledge that those things can suck.. But I just don't stress.

I was with some friends the other night that were stressing about next semester, and I was just kinda sitting there, listening.. One friend turned to me and said "You are seriously the least stressed person I know". I guess that's a compliment.

But apparently, I'm stressed about something right now, cuz I found white hair and I have spots all over.

And I've been thinking about it for a few days... And I can't figure out why!

I guess I'll just thank the Lord for reminding me that I could be freaking out over something right now, but because He's blessed me with the ability to be rather relaxed.. I'm able to enjoy everything right now. :)

If you're stressed.. Breathe, take a chill pill.. And most of all.. Pray!

Posted via email from redheadedblonde's posterous

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