Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Under God

During Civics today, we had this debate about keeping "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. And Mr Tran deided which side of the argument we were on, and of course, I got put on the side that said it was unconstitutional to have it in the pledge. So I just decided to stay quite during the first hald of the debate. But that didn't keep my mind from thinking. Saying "under God" doesn't mean that you pledge your life to God. It's just stating the fact that this nation was built on the faith of believing in God. You can't change history. George Washington and so many others in history were Christians, and that can't be changed. So why pretend that this nation doesn't stand under God. And the second point, you're not forced to say the pledge. If you don't want to pledge allegiance and say "under God".. Then don't. It really is that simple. If we were to suddenly decide to take out the statement "under God" out of the pledge, well, then we better start rewriting the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Cuz guess what, the same God that we're "under", is mentioned in both of those documents. And they are the basis of this country. Why change history? And what makes me mad, is that all these athiests get mad about saying "under God" and that "we don't believe in God".. Well, if that's the case, I never again want to hear an athiest say "Oh my God". You claim there isn't a God, so don't use His name like that. God doesn't exist, right? And don't say to "Go to hell".. Cuz if you don't believe in God, then you most likely don't believe in Satan, Heaven, or Hell. Don't condemn someone to a nonexistent place. Don't use the Lord's name in vain if you don't mean it. Some people are like "It's just an expression." You don't hear me say "Oh my Buddha". Cuz I don't believe in Buddha, so I'm not gonna yell at him for something that he had no say in.

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