Thursday, October 19, 2006

Weirdest Dream

Weirdest dream in the world last night... And it's even weirder that I actually remembered it. It was really random.

I was on Big Ol' Blue (OB bus). But I wasn't just with my OB team, it was also my drumline and Grove's line. And we were all happy and getting off the bus because we were doing a Walmart run. So I went inside and I was with Renee (OB/Church) and Christine (drumline). And I wanted a purse (which is really weird, cuz when we were in Vegas, I wanted a purse from Walmart..) and I told Renee that I have bad taste so she should pick out a purse for me. So she picked out this electric pink one, and convinced me it was amazing. But then I relized I'd left my wallet in the bus, so I told her to hang on and I ran back to the bus. But the bus had moved like, right outside the Walmart entrance. So I hopped on the bus and everyone was wearing a bass drum. And the bass drums had heads on em like the school in Vegas that did the Ipod show (so the heads were "click wheels"). So suddenly, I had on a bass drum. And everyone was standing in the aisle of the bus facing the front. And all the windows were rolled down. And so we were all in line, and I looked outside, and there were two guys with guns pointing them at the front window. And I was like "Omg! What the heck!?" and everyone was like "Shhh Kelsey. Be quiet!" And I was like "What!? They have guns." And someone was like "It's okay, they don't want to kill us, they just want to play a game." and I was like "a game with guns!?" and everyone else acted like it was normal. So the game was that we would stand there, with the drum head facing the window, and they were going to aim the gun at you, and then you had to move fast enough to put the bullet through the drum head. Apparently, it seemed like a fun game to everyone but me. So the guys were like, going down the line. And like, while I was watching the people in front of me, the bullets all went really slow, and almost everyone moved fast enough. And then when the gun came to me, the bullet came fast, and I moved fast, and so I was fine. But whoever was behind me died... Like.. it was so bizarr... And no one cared that whoever was behind me had died! So the guys got to the end of the bus and they were like "Thanks for playing!" and they just left. And everyone was all happy and showing each other where they or their drums got hit. No one paid attention to the DEAD person behind me! So then everyone put their drums down, and went back in Walmart and continued shopping... And Renee decided the pink purse wasn't a good one for me, and got me a black one.
The end.

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