Saturday, November 20, 2010

Vegetarian, Pescetarian, bippity, boppity, boop

This morning, a friend posted a link to this blog post that is a post by a woman who has been a vegan for 3.5 years. And she was the all out vegan. A "vegan celebrity blogger" if you will (yes, they exist). But, because of some major health reasons (all addressed in the blog), she's had to allow meat and animal based food back into her life. The blog goes into detail about how hard the decision was. How many doctors visits and people she seeked advice from.. How she tried to hide it from friends and family..

I've been a pescetarian now for a little more than a year and a half. A pescetarian is basically a vegetarian that also eats fish. I also eat shrimp.

I don't not eat meat because I feel that animals shouldn't be killed for food. If you want to eat meat, go ahead! I think it's a person's preference as to what they decide to eat. I don't believe animals go to heaven (see previous post), so I don't feel bad about eating them. I don't think they have the ability to glorify and live a life for God, so I don't think it's taking anything away from our sole purpose for life. So I don't care if people eat meat.

I don't eat meat because I thought it'd be a fun challenge for myself. It wasn't a long, thought out decision. I quite literally woke up the morning I turned 20, and decided I was done eating meat. It wasn't a hard decision, as I was already a picky eater. I didn't (don't) like steak, I didn't (don't) like hamburgers, I didn't (don't) like turkey, and I'm really picky about chicken. There's also other things I don't like: peanut butter, celery, raisins, beans, tomatoes, sour cream, milk from a fridge other than mine, soda in a can that's not cold.. So cutting out the meat wasn't hard at all.

Anyways, so I was reading The Voracious Vegan's post, and it wasn't the actual blog that shocked me. I think it's really interesting and I feel bad that she has had to change her lifestyle (she wasn't doing it "just for fun", she was doing it because she feels it's wrong to eat animals). It was the negative comments she received that had me mind boggled! The first handful of comments below the blog were so encouraging! Some people were even saying that they've had to do the same exact thing, or that "I don't agree, but I support you" and "I won't continue to read your blog, but good luck and I'm glad you're healthy again!". And then there were the downright spiteful and cruel posts! "You weren't doing it right", and some people saying that the entire blog is written an maintained by a website company, and not by an actual person!

So I was even more intrigued, and decided to take a look at her Twitter.. And she has gotten such an insane response from people! Again, some good, some bad. Getting bashed by the vegan community. "The doctors don't know what they're talking about!", "You're just giving up!", "Your blog was a scheme to get into the vegan community and then uproot it from the inside"..

They're getting so worked up over this! It's so intriguing!

Kudos to you if you're a vegan, vegetarian, pescetarian, or picky eater! Eat the way you want for whatever reason you want! And if you are a judgemental one of those type of eaters.. Calm down! If those people start eating meat.. Those animals are already dead. And if they don't eat them, somebody else will. Take a breath.

The end.

Posted via email from redheadedblonde's posterous

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